Indoor Pool Sessions


As a first time at capsizing a kayak, the pool is a far less daunting place than the river and, during the winter months, a much warmer one.

Beavers & Cubs

For beavers and cubs, the all year round pool sessions gives them access to water activities during the winter months when it would be impossible to do so in the outside environment.

Scouts & Explorers

Scouts and explorers can take the opportunity to become water confident in the comfort of the warm pool and improve paddling skills. Those wishing to learn more advance techniques and rolling can do so.

How to Book

To book a pool kayak session for a particular date with the Water Activities Team, please check availability using the calendar below and then use our online enquiry form which can be found by following this link.

Risk Assessment

The pool sessions risk assessment is available to from our downloads page.

Indoor Pool Sessions (Friday evenings only)
February – December 2024*

* Friday evenings every other month; February, April, June, August, October & December.

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